
Holy in Christ: Thoughts on the Calling of God’s Children to Be Holy as He Is Holy is unavailable, but you can change that!

To many, “holiness” has simply been a general expression for the Christian life in its more earnest form, without much thought for what the term really means. In Holy in Christ, Andrew Murray examines in what sense God uses the word so that it may mean to us what it means to Him. He traces the word through the most important passages of Scripture to learn what God’s holiness is, what ours is to...

be a disappointment. They have heard that the entrance to the life of holiness is often but a step. They have heard of or seen believers who could tell of the blessed change that has come over their lives since they found the wonderful secret of holiness by faith. And now they are seeking for this secret. They cannot understand that the secret comes to those who seek it not, but only seek Jesus. They might fain have a book in which all they need to know of Holiness and the way to it is gathered into
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